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A Jacobite Gazetteer - Turin

The city of Turin is located in north-western Italy, 120 kilometres west of the city of Milan.

King James III and VIII visited the city in 1717. On February 24 he was received by King Victor Amadeus II of Sicily and his wife Queen Anne Marie, granddaughter of King Charles I and James' heir presumptive. James then spent the night at the Castello di Moncalieri.

For the next ninety years members of the House of Savoy were the immediate heirs presumptive to the throne after James and his sons Charles and Henry. There are numerous memorials to members of the House of Savoy in Turin. King Charles IV (King Charles Emanuel IV of Sardinia) and his brother King Victor (King Victor Emanuel I of Sardinia) were born here, and King Victor and his wife, Queen Maria Teresa, are buried here. There are also several items connected with members of the House of Stuart which can be seen in the city's many museums.

Basilica di Superga

Chiesa di Gran Madre di Dio

Galleria Sabauda

Medagliere Reale

Museo Nazionale del Risorgimento Italiano

Palazzo di Citta

Palazzo Madama (Museo Civico d'Arte Antica)

Palazzo Reale

     The main state rooms on the Primo Piano Nobile

     Secondo Piano Nobile

     Piano Terreno

     Other parts of the palace

A brief distance from Turin are several former Savoy residences:

Moncalieri        Racconigi        Rivoli        Stupinigi

In order to help identifying the members of the Savoy family, a chart showing their relationships to the Stuarts and to the Bourbons of France is helpful.

JAMES I of England and VI of Scotland
   |            -------------------------------------------------
   |            |                                 |             |
CHARLES I = Henrietta Maria                  Louis XIII     Christine = Victor Amadeus I
1600-1649 | of France                    King of France     of France | Duke of Savoy
          |                                       |                   |
   ------------------------------------           |                   |
   |              |                   |           |                   |
CHARLES II     JAMES II and VII    Henrietta = Philip             Charles Emmanuel II      Louis XIV
1630-1685      1633-1701           Anne      | Duke of Orleans    Duke of Savoy            King of France
                  |                          |                        |                      |
   -----------------------                   |                        |                      -------------
   |                     |                   |                        |                      |           |
JAMES III and VIII     Louise Marie        Anne Marie = Victor Amadeus II                  Louis      Philip V 
1688-1766                                  of Orleans | King of Sardinia                   Dauphin    King of Spain
   |                                                  |                                      |           |
   -----------------                     ---------------------------------------------       |           |
   |               |                     |                                           |       |           | 
CHARLES III    HENRY IX    Polyxena = Charles Emmanuel III = 1 Anne Christine      Marie = Louis         |
1720-1788      1725-1807   of Hesse | King of Sardinia         of Sulzbach      Adelaide | Duke of       |
                                    |                      = 3 Elisabeth        of Savoy | Burgundy      |
                                    |                          of Lorraine               |               |
                                    |                                         Louis XV, King of France   |
                                    |                                                                    |
                                    |                         --------------------------------------------
                                    |                         |                                          |
                               Victor Amadeus III = Maria Antonia Ferdinanda                           Charles III
                                 King of Sardinia | of Spain                                           King of Spain
                                                  |                                                       |
   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------           Ferdinand IV
   |                      |                  |                       |                     |           King of Naples
Maria Giuseppina       Maria Teresa        CHARLES IV             VICTOR I             Charles Felix      |
= comte de Toulouse    = comte d'Artois    1751-1819              1759-1824            King of Sardinia   |
  Louis XVIII            Charles X         Charles Emmanuel IV    Victor Emmanuel I           = Maria Cristina
  of France              of France         King of Sardinia       King of Sardinia              of Naples
                                           = Marie Clotilde       = Maria Teresa 
                                             of France              of Austria

This page is maintained by Noel S. McFerran ( and was last updated June 11, 2021.
© Noel S. McFerran 2003-2021.