A Jacobite Gazetteer - Turin

Palazzo di Città

Palazzo della Citta
Palazzo di Città

Palazzo di Città (also called Palazzo Municipio) is located in Piazza Palazzo di Città. It is the town hall for the city of Turin. The building is not usually open to the public.1

In the Sala dei Marmi (the principal hall of the building) is a relief sculpture by Giacomo Spalla of King Victor (King Victor Emanuel I of Sardinia) on horseback.2

Relief of King Victor
Relief sculpture of King Victor


1 Sometimes the palazzo is open one Saturday each month (10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon and 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.). Requests to visit the palazzo should be sent to Dr. Gianni Ferrero, Ufficio Stampa e relazioni con i media, Comune di Torino, email: Gianni.Ferrero@comune.torino.it.

2 Daniele Pescarmona, "Giacomo Spalla: I due monumenti equestri a Vittorio Emeanuel I e suoi rapporti con Ferdinando Bonsignore ed Amedeo Lavy", Bollettino d'arte 62 (gennaio-giugno 1976): 45-52. Giacomo Spalla was born in Turin in 1776, and died in the same city in 1834. To him is usually attributed a bust of King Victor now in the Galleria Sabauda. He is perhaps best known for his Napoleonic bas-reliefs.

Image 1 (Palazzo di Città): "Palazzo di Città", Palazzi a Torino, http://www.a-torino.com/palazzi/citta.htm.

Image 2 (Relief sculpture of King Victor): Enrico Castelnuovo and Marco Rosci, Cultura figurativa e architettonica negli Stati del Re di Sardegna, 1773-1861 (Torino: Città di Torino, 1980), II, 561.

This page is maintained by Noel S. McFerran (noel.mcferran@rogers.com) and was last updated August 1, 2010.
© Noel S. McFerran 2003-2010.