A Jacobite Gazetteer - Lazio


The town of Frascati is located fifteen kilometres south-east of the city of Rome. It sits high up on the slopes of the Alban Hills and for centuries has been one of the most popular holiday retreats for Romans.

King James III and VIII came to the town several times. In 1761, his younger son, Henry, Cardinal Duke of York (later King Henry IX and I), was named bishop of Frascati. He lived most of the rest of his life there until his death in 1807. Henry was visited in Frascati by his brother King Charles III, by his niece Charlotte, Duchess of Albany, and by his eventual successor, King Charles Emanuel IV of Sardinia (later King Charles IV).

For the Jacobite looking for items of Stuart interest, a visit to Frascati is most profitable. Nowhere else are so many sites accessible within such a small area.

Cattedrale di San Pietro

Chiesa del Gesù

Chiesa di Maria Immacolata

Chiesa di Santa Maria in Vivario

Convento dei Cappuccini


La Rocca


Via Paola

Villa Lancellotti

Villa Tuscolana

Several other sites associated with the town of Frascati are now officially located in neighbouring communes (although actually closer to the town centre of Frascati): Villa Muti in Grottaferrata, and the Eremo dei Camaldolesi in Monte Porzio Catone.

Frascati can easily be reached by train from Rome. Trains leave Stazione Termini in Rome almost hourly. The one-way trip lasts less than 30 minutes and costs only €1,70 (as of September 2003). When one arrives at the Frascati train station, one must climb the long flight of stairs up to Piazza Marconi. There one can find the local tourism office which provides free maps of the town.

This page is maintained by Noel S. McFerran (noel.mcferran@rogers.com) and was last updated July 17, 2005.
© Noel S. McFerran 2003-2005.