A Jacobite Gazetteer - Italy

Sasso Marconi - Villa Mezzana

The town of Sasso Marconi is located twenty kilometres south of the city of Bologna.

King James III and VIII and Queen Clementina were guests at Villa Mezzana (also known as Villa Quiete or Villa La Quiete di Mezzana) which was owned by James' bankers the Belloni family. 1

The villa is located at Via Mezzana, 4, about two kilometres north of the town centre of Sasso Marconi. It stands on a hill about 70 metres above the surrounding plain. Today it is owned by the Neri family.

Sasso Marconi can be reached from Bologna on bus no. 92.


1 "Cenni Storici", http://www.telecasa.it/web/sasso%20marconi/home/main.html. Cf. "Villa Mezzana o Quiete", http://www.comune.sassomarconi.bologna.it.

This page is maintained by Noel S. McFerran (noel.mcferran@rogers.com) and was last updated November 8, 2003.
© Noel S. McFerran 2003.