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Manifesto of the Prince Regent, May 16, 1745A printed version of the text can be found on pages 232 - 234 of volume 1 of Great Britain: The Lion at Home, edited by Joel H. Wiener (New York: Chelsea House, 1974).
Charles P.R. By virtue and authority of the above commission of regency, granted unto us by the King our royal father; we are now come to execute His Majesty's will and pleasure, by setting up his Royal Standard, and asserting his undoubted right to the Throne of his ancestors. We do therefore, in His Majesty's name, and pursuant to the tenor of his several declarations, hereby grant a free, full, and general pardon for all treasons, rebellions, and offences whatsoever, committed at any time before the publication hereof, against our royal grandfather, His present Majesty, and ourselves. To the benefit of this pardon, we shall deem justly entitled all such of His Majesty's subjects, as shall testify their willingness to accept of it, either by joining our forces with all convenient diligence, by setting up his Royal Standard in other places, by repairing for our service to any place where it shall be so set up; or, at least, by openly renouncing all pretended allegiance to the usurper, and all obedience to his orders,; or to those of any person or persons commissioned, or employed by him, or acting avowedly for him. As for those who shall appear more signally zealous for the recovery of His Majesty's just rights, and the prosperity of their country, we shall take effectual care to have them rewarded according to their respective degrees and merits: and we particularly promise as aforesaid, a full, free, and general pardon to all officers, soldiers, and sailors, now engaged in the dervice of the usurper; provided, that upon the publication hereof, and before they engage in any fight or battle against His Majesty's forces, they quit the said unjust and unwarrantable service, and return to their duty, since they cannot but by sensible, that no engagements, entered into with a foreign usurper, can dispense with the allegiance they owe to their natural sovereign. And as a further encouragement to them to comply with their duty, and our commands; we promise to every such officer the same, or a higher post in our service than that which at present he enjoys, with full payment of whatever arrears may be due to him at the time of his declaring for us; and to every soldier, trooper, and dragoon, who shall join us, as well as to every seaman and mariner of the Fleet, who shall declare for, and serve us, all their arrears, and a whole year's pay to be given to each of them as a gratuity, as soon as ever the Kingdoms shall be in a state of tranquillity. We do hereby further promise and declare, in His Majesty's name, and by virtue of the above said commission; that as soon as ever that happy State is obtained, he will, by and with the advice of a free Parliament, wherein no corruption, nor undue influence whatsoever shall be used to bypass the votes of the electors, or elected; settle, confirm, and secure all the rights, ecclesiastical and civil, of each of his respective Kingdoms; His Majesty being fully resolved to maintain the Church of England, as by law established, and likewise the Protestant churches of Scotland and Ireland, conformable to the laws of each respective Kingdom; together with a toleration to all Protestant Dissenters; he being utterly averse to all persecution and oppression whatsoever, particularly on account of conscience and religion. And we ourselves being perfectly convinced of the reasonableness and equity of the same principles; do, in consequence hereof, further promise and declare, that all His Majesty's subjects, shall be by him and us maintained in the full Enjoyment and Possession of all their rights, privileges, and immunities, and especially of all churches, universities, colleges and schools, conformable to the laws of the land, which shall ever be the unalterable rule of His Majesty's government, and our own actions. And, that this our undertaking may be accompanied with as little present inconvenience as possible to the King's subjects; we do hereby authorise and require all civil officers and magistrates now in place and office, to continue, till further orders, to execute their respective employments in our name, and by our authority, as far as may be requisite for the maintenance of common justice, order and quiet: willing and requiring them, at the same time, to give strict obedience to such orders and directions, as may, from time to time, be issued out by us, or those who shall be vested with any Share of our authority and power. We also command and require all officers of the revenue, customs and excise, all tax-gatherers, of what denomination soever; and all others who may have any part of the public money in their hands, to deliver it immediately to some principal commander authorised by us, and take his receipt for the same, which shall be to them a sufficient discharge; and in case of refusal, we authorise and charge all such our commanders, to exact the same for our use, and to be accountable for it to us, or our officers for that purpose appointed. And having thus sincerely, and in the presence of Almighty God, declared the true sentiments and intentions of the King our royal father, as well as our own, in this expedition, we do hereby require and command all his loving subjects to be assisting to us in the recovery of his just rights, and of their own liberties: And that all such, from the age of sixteen to sixty, do forthwith repair to His Majesty's Royal Standard, or join themselves to such as shall first appear in their respective shires for his service: and also, to seize the horses and arms of all suspected persons, and all ammunition, forage, and whatever else may be necessary for the use of our forces. Lastly, we do hereby require all mayors, sheriffs, and other magistrates, of what denomination soever, their respective deputies, and all others to whom it may belong, to publish this our declaration at the market crosses of their respective cities, towns and boroughs, and there to proclaim His Majesty, under the penalty of being proceeded against according to law, for the neglect of so necessary and important a duty: for as we have hereby graciously and sincerely offered a free and general pardon for all that is past; so we, at the same time, seriously warn all His Majesty's subjects, that we shall leave to the rigour of the law all those who shall from henceforth oppose us, or willfully and deliberately do or concur in any act or acts civil or military, to the Let or detriment of us, our cause or title, or to the destruction, prejudice, or annoyance of those, who shall, according to their duty and our intentions thus publicly signified, declare and act for us. Given at Paris, the 16th May, 1745. C.P.R.
This page is maintained by Noel S. McFerran (noel.mcferran@rogers.com) and was last updated October 26, 2003. © Noel S. McFerran 2000-2003. |