Letter of King James VII to the Scottish Privy Council, March 31, 1687

This text was published as His Majesties Royal Letter to His Privy Council of Scotland Concerning His Indulgence, printed at Edinburgh by James Watson, and reprinted by G. Croom, 1687 (Wing, 2nd ed., J383).

James R.

Right trusty and right well-beloved cousin and counsellor, right trusty and right well-beloved counsellors, right trusty and entirely-beloved cousins and counsellors, right trusty and right well-beloved cousins and counsellors, right trusty and well-beloved cousins and counsellors, right trusty and well-beloved cousins and counsellors, right trusty and well-beloved counsellors, and trusty and well-beloved counsellors, we greet you well.

Whereas by our letters of the first day of this instant, amongst other things, we did recommend unto you to take care that nay of the Presbyterians should not be allowed to preach but such only as should have your allowance for the same; and that they, at the receiving the indulgence therein mentioned, should take the oath contained in our proclamation bearing date the twelfth day of February last past: these are therefore to let you know that thereby we meant such of them as did not formerly take the Test or any other oath; but if nevertheless the Presbyterian preachers do scruple to take the said oath or any other oath whatsoever, and that you shall find it reasonable or fit to grant them our indulgence, so as they desire it upon these terms, it is now our will and pleasure, and we do hereby authorize and require you, to grant them, or any of them, our said indulgence, without being obliged to take or swear the oath in our said proclamation mentioned, or any other oath whatsoever, with power upon them, or any of them respectively, to enjoy the benefit of the said indulgence (during our pleasure only) or so long as you shall find that they behave themselves regularly and peaceably, without giving any cause of offence to us, or any in authority and trust under us in our government. For doing whereof, these presents shall be to you and the, and all others respectively, who may be therein respectively any way concerned, a sufficient warrant. And so we bid you heartily farewell.

Given at our Court at Whitehall the thirty one day of March, 1687, and of our reign the third year.

By His Majesty's command,


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